Finca El Morito

Finca el Morito
Coffee Producers

FINCA EL MORITO has been producing coffee in northern Peru since 1970, especially in the department of Cajamarca. Today, its 3rd generation of coffee growers continues the work and has taken it to a higher level, managing to export 100% Peruvian specialty coffee to the entire world.

FINCA EL MORITO exports its coffees without intermediaries, obtaining better prices that translate into a better quality of life for its coffee farmers and their families. FINCA EL MORITO offers high-quality specialty coffees with different profiles, 100% organic certified coffee with Fair Trade practices.




Years of experience

In coffee production


Tons produced

Specialty coffee


Satisfied customers

All over the world

Production Process

As producers, we know that specialty coffee is more than a drink. It is a sensory journey that connects us with distant communities, nature, and ourselves. For this reason, each stage of this exciting process is carefully attended to to guarantee an exceptional experience in every sip.

1. Selective harvest


Selection of mature grains with an

ideal degree of sweetness greater than 20° brix

2. Pulping


The practice carried out in a pulping machine is the

the first stage of the wet processing in which the fruit

It is left free of pulp or peel, leaving

the two coffee seeds.

3. Fermentation


Fermentation lasts approximately six days,

ending when the sugar is

practically sold out in the first 24 hours

floral, herbal smells and flavors are obtained,

citrus and sweet. Between 48 and 72 hours later

citrus notes, tropical fruits, and chocolate emerge

Between 95 and 120 hours, it is possible to have notes

red fruits, blackberries, and nuts.

4. Washing


It is the part of the process where they remove

the remains of mucilage in the coffee seeds,

the mucilage comes off, and then the coffee dries.

The washing process is ideal for specialty coffees

because washed processing is a method for

focus on the bean itself:” You perceive the flavor of the coffee

in the origin, the variety, the terroir, instead

of the impact of the processing method.

5. Drying


Coffee drying is a post-handling process

harvest during which coffee seeds are

freed from moisture acquired during washing,

The drying methods we use are directly

in the sun and drying under shade, which is a process

slower but serves to preserve the quality

of coffee

The Best Coffee par excellence

Finca el Morito: Our Strengths

Productive Zones

Our production areas are located in the upper part of the provinces of San Ignacio, Cutervo, and Jaén, between 1700 and 2200 meters above sea level.


Yellow Caturro, Bourbon, Catuay, Catimor, Marshell, Geisha and Sydra.

Value chain

Our work includes everything from sowing, production, harvesting, and final export.

100% organic

We produce coffee with natural inputs that do not contaminate the soil or the environment.

Laboratory analysis

We have our own physical and sensory analysis laboratory

Good farming practices

As part of our growth plan, we train and integrate coffee growers into collective benefit processes.

Decades of tradition, passion, and knowledge passed down from
generation to generation."


We present our exclusive lines of specialty coffee from Finca El Morito, cultivated with dedication and care. Each bean contains the richness of our coffee-growing region and the exciting work of coffee-growing families. Discover our coffees’ authentic flavor and experience Peruvian coffee’s true essence. Join us!

Nirvana Coffee Line

Coffee with moderate acidity, good body and sweetness, nuts, malt, and chocolate flavors, scoring above 83, 84+ points in cup under SCAA protocol.

  • Harvest: May – November
  • Export: June – January

Golden Buds Line

Coffee with a floral profile, brown sugar, honey, notes of chamomile, anise, and lemon verbena, juicy, medium citric acidity, and complexity scores above 85 points in the cup under SCAA protocol.

  • Harvest: May – November
  • Export: June – January

Mystic Coffee Line

Ripe fruits, red fruits, tropical fruits, vinous, malic acids, whole body, a score above 85, 86+ points in a cup under SCAA protocol.

  • Harvest: May – November
  • Export: June – January

Supreme Coffee Line

Nano lots of coffee and others are differentiated by variety, producer, and exclusive farm. Coffee with distinct, unique, and pronounced aromas and flavors, rated above 87 points in cup under SCAA protocol.

  • Harvest: May – November
  • Export: June – January

Our Certifications

-- Soon --
-- Soon --

Our Clients

Our participation in fairs

Contact Us

Our sales staff will contact you as soon as possible.

Cajamarca, Perú

Tres Marias Street 125, Linderos Sector, Jaen Cajamarca, Perú, Code Zipe 06801


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